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yours truly
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yours pronoun

unfavorite favorite play sound
(el) tuyo, (la) tuya, (los) tuyos, (las) tuyas; (el) vuestro, (la) vuestra, (los) vuestros, (las) vuestras; (el) suyo, (la) suya, (los) suyos, (las) suyas

truly adverb

unfavorite favorite play sound

Example sentences of
truly adverb

  • I truly believe they can do it.
  • He truly enjoyed the concert.
  • This is truly a different situation.
  • A country is not truly democratic until all of its citizens can vote freely.
  • Is this poll truly representative of the voters' intentions?
¿Sabías esto?
  • El adjetivo true termina con una e, pero esta e no aparece en la palabra truly.